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Events in prospect

25.08.2009 21:17 — |  
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Often it is desirable to emphasize importance of an event. It is importance that calls the tune of all that follows or sets the logical order of argumentation. For example, Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin took part in negotiations in “Zavidovo” in the second half of July, and observers were quick to summarize: presidents of Belarus and Russia have had six meetings in about six month. This only fact is enough to imagine the activity of political dialogue between Belarus and Russia. Which is emphasized in our magazine, and this has a reason. Perspective views on creation of the Union state and search of solutions to tasks met in this process make the topic, which is probably even broader than mere bilateral relations. It is known that in other countries they keep watch on progress of union establishment. Thus, this is of evident international character.

However, integration trends can be observed in many other phenomena today. And not in politics only but rather in culture, economy and science. Take an example of popular term “innovation”. Knowledge and interest are the two main motives of innovations. Renewal ability of thoughts, ideas and proposals can be mentioned together with these two.

The Park of high technology aroused interest in the country about a year ago. Right away the innovation was called a “Silicon valley” — by analogy with the famous American high-tech center in California. As a matter of fact, the question is about global market of information technologies. It was decided that Belarus can make out a claim in this market by creating favorable conditions inside the country. Now, the question is being decided at the highest state level. President’s Decree “On “Intellectual Belarus” high technology Park” makes provisions for unprecedented advantages. Well, the attraction of the new project must be tangible for intellectuals. However, there is an essential side in this involving project: we must not make things worse then they are now, for Belarus already has an image of country with high intellectual capabilities. A more ambitious objective must be based not on beautiful dreams alone. Only a thoroughly forethought idea can be successful in perspective.

Needless to say, it is impossible to advance without enthusiasm and optimism. History gives us a lesson: society often resists that very innovations (and often innovators themselves) that later become the basis of better future. To understand an innovation, we need courage and confidence to adopt novelties positively. It seems we have this. So, the rest is to attract people who cross barriers — in the proper and the figurative meanings — geographically and intellectually.

Besides, the topic of aspirations for heights of technics can be found more than once in our today’s issue. In “Phenomenon called tractor” the author notes that only Belarussian tractors bear the name of their manufacturing country. It is necessary to attain big heights to live up the nation’s brand. “Belarus” tractors produced at Minsk tractor plant, are known literally in all continents today. Their popularity is confirmed by the demand. Last year tractors made in Minsk were exported to 66 countries. Now the plant has an ambitious plan: to create crucially new machines together with the European partners. Pivotal technical re-equipment will serve as the basis for that. Tractor manufacturer promises that technology change will be revolutionary. An exciting perspective, isn’t it?

That was a preview of some topics and articles of this issue. The materials are based on certain events, yet we have followed their development. For movement is more interesting than static stability, isn’t it?

Victor Kharkov
Editor of “Беларусь.Belarus”

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Often it is desirable to emphasize importance of an event. It is importance that calls the tune of all that follows or sets the logical order of argum




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