Events in prospect
Often it is desirable to emphasize importance of an event. It is importance that calls the tune of all that follows or sets the logical order of argumentation. For example, Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin took part in negotiations in “Zavidovo” in the second half of July, and observers were quick to summarize: presidents of Belarus and Russia have had six meetings in about six month. This only fact is enough to imagine the activity of political dialogue between Belarus and Russia. Which is emphasized in our magazine, and this has a reason. Perspective views on creation of the Union state and search of solutions to tasks met in this process make the topic, which is probably even broader than mere bilateral relations. It is known that in other countries they keep watch on progress of union establishment. Thus, this is of evident international character. Чтобы разместить новость на сайте или в блоге скопируйте код:
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Often it is desirable to emphasize importance of an event. It is importance that calls the tune of all that follows or sets the logical order of argum |