81-year-old to volunteer at European Games in Minsk. 21.by

81-year-old to volunteer at European Games in Minsk

05.04.2019 — Разное |  
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The oldest and most experienced volunteer who will work at the 2nd European Games Minsk 2019 is 81 years old, Nadezhda Anisovets, Head of the Volunteer Department of the Minsk European Games Organizing Committee (MEGOC) told journalists at a press conference in the National Olympic Committee of Belarus, BelTA has learned.

“Over 24,000 people have applied to become a volunteer at the European Games. MEGOC has recruited the necessary amount of 8,000 volunteers and 700 reserve specialists. According to our plan, they will work in more than 34 functional areas during the European Games. The oldest and most experienced volunteer is 81 years old. This is a woman from the UK who will soon come to Minsk. She has already worked as a volunteer at many sport events, including the Olympic Games,” Nadezhda Anisovets said.

She noted that MEGOC has organized workshops and trainings for volunteers, provided them with information about various sports. After the European Games, volunteers will receive a uniform, badges, souvenirs, and gift bags. MECOG will also throw a closing party for the volunteers.

Minsk will host the 2nd European Games on 21-30 June 2019. The program of the 2nd European Games features competitions in 15 sports. A total of 12 sport venues will be used during the games, the biggest of which are Dinamo Olympic stadium, Minsk Arena, Chizhovka Arena, Minsk Palace of Sports. Over 4,000 athletes from 50 countries will compete in 199 medal events.


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The oldest and most experienced volunteer who will work at the 2nd European Games Minsk 2019 is 81 years old,


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