Radun is presented in Israel
A mutual agreement on realization of a major investproject of a hotel complex construction in Radun was signed by the governor of Grodno region Vladimir Kravtsov and Israel representatives in August last year. -Today we have got the working out of an architect project for a preparatory period. We started the developing of a building site for the object, –said the director of the company “Or Meir” Boris Beresovsky, a representative of Israel investor in Belarus Abraham Sasi. Dismantling of existing electricity, communication, water network takes place on the building site nowadays, trees and bushes are cut down. After a final design of the project is finished , a new hotel complex including a café for 40 visitors, and a hotel with two-, three-bed rooms will be built. The construction of the complex is planned to be finished in September 2018. A foreign company “Trasko-Invest” and a Belarusian “Zamira” are determined to put up the complex.
Boris Beresovsky also informed that some changes had been made in the project: the number of places in guest houses had been increased to 555. It is connected with the fact that the future tourist object gained its popularity in Israel. It is actively advertised in big advertising agencies, newspapers and magazines , an illustrated album has been worked out for presentation. The representatives of the Chief rabbinate of Israel got interested in this construction and gave blessing to it, about 60 rabbis wished to come to the ceremony of the first stone. Alongside with the developing of the building site the question of employees for the tourist complex is thoroughly worked out. About 120 people will be employed. The cooks in the café and the restaurant must have special skills, as the technology of preparation of kosher dishes demands keeping to certain conditions. Candidates will have practice in Minsk, where Abraham Sasi the investor of the project has recently opened the restaurant of kosher food. As it had been discussed before, the legal address of the company “Or Meir” was reregisted from Minsk to Radun. The taxes of the company will go to the local budget.
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A mutual agreement on realization of a major investproject of a hotel complex construction in Radun was signed by the governor of Grodno region Vladimir Kravtsov and Israel representatives in August last year. -Today we have got the working out of an architect project for a preparatory period. We... |