Happiness bags from Belarusian friends
The guests were met at the simplified checkpoint "Pererov". By the way, 4.673 foreigners entered Belarus through this point last year. One-day program was designed especially for them. Young foreign tourists were warmly welcomed, with songs and gifts, at gymnasium No. 1 named after K. Kalinovsky, Svisloch. After a sweet treat, guests were invited to the school museum, were its students told many interesting things about the history of the school and its famous graduates. Our Polish neighbors made an entry in the guest book. There was also held a master class on making bags-happiness.
In the regional local history museum, tourists learned a lot of interesting things about natural exhibits, about the inhabitants of the forest.
Then the guests had lunch at the restaurant "Belovezhsky", made purchases in stores and proceeded to the checkpoint "Pererov". See you again!
Julia BARMOTA, a student of the 8th grade of elementary school in Bialowieza:
- I liked everything. To tell the truth, this is my second time in Belarus this year. In June, I was in Kamenyuky. Everything is interesting. Thanks to my peers from the gymnasium for a good welcome.
Barbara LEONYUK, deputy director of the school and preschool complex in Bialowieza:
- We live near you and we brought our children, students in order to show that we are neighbors. Together we participate in different cross-border projects for being able to learn more about each other. We like Svisloch very much. I am here for the second time. It was two weeks ago and I immediately decided to bring my students here. We were warmly welcomed at the gymnasium. I’d like to visit them more often. Чтобы разместить новость на сайте или в блоге скопируйте код:
На вашем ресурсе это будет выглядеть так
Foreign visa-free tourists visited Svisloch some days ago. This was a group of students and teachers of the Primary School in Bialowieza (Hainowsky district in Poland). These are our closest Polish neighbors. |