The application of rules and international regulations for the protection of personal data will be expanded in Belarus.

The application of rules and international regulations for the protection of personal data will be expanded in Belarus

23.10.2019 — Разное |  
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This opinion was expressed by Anton Gretsky, the expert on data protection at ActiveCloud, speaking at the international grand forum BIT-2019 in Minsk.

He noted that, despite the absence of a national law on personal data, Belarusian companies are interested in applying international rules and the existing European regulation on the protection of personal data.

-The European GDPR regulation ensures the security of personal data of citizens of the European Union. However, many Belarusian companies strive to meet these requirements, because they correctly assess not only their desire to work in the EU market, but also the possibility of the soon appearance of similar requirements in our republic, said Anton Gretsky .

The expert noted that the rules developed in Europe are a good experience that will certainly be applied in other countries outside the European Union.

— If you want to work in the European market and provide services to citizens of the European Union, you must comply with these requirements. And it’s not a matter of penalties that do not apply outside the EU, it’s a matter of business reputation, willingness to follow reasonable information security requirements. Today’s reputation it can be spoiled without fulfilling the requirements and recommendations for information protection. This is probably why many Belarusian companies are audited for compliance with GDPR requirements, noted the expert.


In addition to the readiness of individual companies to meet the requirements of the European regulations, Belarus already has an example of applying best practices for data protection. For example, the GDPR requirements were fulfilled by the organizers of the II European Games, which were held in Belarus in the summer of 2019.

-This is one of the projects in which the GDPR was implemented. A large number of European athletes and tourists came to the country. Documents, regulations were prepared, they were then agreed with the European Olympic committees. So we can say that the GDPR already works in our country, said Gretsky.

The expert is sure that in our country the rules for the protection of personal data will soon be introduced at the legislative level.

— The law on personal data, which is still being approved by the legislature, will introduce the concept of processing personal data, storing, deleting information. There will be a clear scheme for obtaining consent for the collection and processing of personal data. The procedures for obtaining this consent, recall procedures will also be described. After the entry into force of this law in Belarus, the attitude to information and its protection will change for the better.

It should be reminded that the law on personal data has already passed the first reading in the House of Representatives. After being adopted in the second reading, it should be adopted by the Council of the Republic and signed by the President. The law will enter into force after its official publication. It is expected that it will have a significant impact not only on enterprises directly working with personal data, but also on online trading, which collects and processes information about customers and customers.


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This opinion was expressed by Anton Gretsky, the expert on data protection at ActiveCloud, speaking at the international grand forum


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