BRSM to assign 15,000 volunteers to European Games in Minsk.

BRSM to assign 15,000 volunteers to European Games in Minsk

29.05.2019 — Разное |  
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About 15,000 BRSM volunteers will work at the 2nd European Games in Minsk, First Secretary of the BRSM Youth Union Central Committee Dmitry Voronyuk has told the STV channel, BelTA has learned.

“BRSM members will work as stadium stewards, police assistants, and traffic assistants. They will be actively involved in the Flame of Peace torch relay. Student units will also be dispatched to food courts for athletes. Our service brigades from Mogilev and Minsk will also join volunteers. All in all, about 15,000 BRSM members from all over Belarus will be involved in the event. These are university students and some high school students, as well as other young people,” Dmitry Voronyuk said.

BRSM is busy preparing for the celebration of the 75th anniversary of Belarus’ liberation from Nazi invaders. “The active stage of the project titled Marathon 75 will start in June. A themed mini-bus with a travelling exhibition the Belarusian State Great Patriotic War Museum will tour all the regions and various towns of Belarus. We will collect information about Belarus-born Heroes of the Soviet Union and full cavaliers of the Order of the Fatherland and put their names and years of life on a special Victory canvass. Apart from that, we have launched a project “Belarus remembers. Dear Faces of Victory”. The campaign aims to compile an album of photos of grand- and great-grandfathers who liberated Belarus. We also scan and digitize old photos. This album will be handed over to the museum on 3 July,” he said.

Minsk will host the 2nd European Games on 21-30 June. Over 4,000 athletes from 50 countries will compete for 200 medal sets in 15 sports.


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About 15,000 BRSM volunteers will work at the 2nd European Games in Minsk, First Secretary of the BRSM Youth Union Central Committee Dmitry Voronyuk has told the STV channel, BelTA has learned. “BRSM members will work as stadium stewards, police assistants, and traffic assistants. They will be...


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