В Минске пройдет семинар "Управление корпоративным контентом в медиаиндустрии и индустрии развлечений" с участием MTV. 21.by

В Минске пройдет семинар "Управление корпоративным контентом в медиаиндустрии и индустрии развлечений" с участием MTV

04.05.2010 11:33 — Новости Hi-Tech |  
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В Минске пройдет семинар "Управление корпоративным контентом в медиаиндустрии и индустрии развлечений" с участием MTV В Минске 26 мая пройдет бесплатный семинар "Управление корпоративным контентом в медиаиндустрии и индустрии развлечений: проблемы и тенденции" с участием представителей MTV Networks. Организует семинар компания EPAM Systems при поддержке Белорусского парка высоких технологий. Язык семинара – английский, продолжительность – 4 часа.
В семинаре примут участие представители EPAM Systems и MTV Networks. Компания MTV Networks – один из крупнейших и наиболее значимых клиентов EPAM Systems в сфере медиа и развлечений.

Коротко о событии

Где: Минск, ул. Академика Купревича 1/1, 10 этаж, конференц-зал
Когда: 17.00, 26 мая 2010 года
Стоимость: бесплатно, обязательна предварительная регистрация

>> Подробнее о семинаре (на английском языке)


Media Entertainment and Enterprise Content Management is a recent addition to EPAM's portfolio of industry specializations. With the demand for ECMS growing rapidly, it is becoming a strategic competency and a top priority solution practice for EPAM.

MTV Networks, a subsidiary of Viacom, is one of EPAM Systems' largest and most important clients in this space. Viacom is a leading global entertainment company; its family of prominent and respected brands includes: MTV Networks, BET Networks, Paramount Pictures and Paramount Home Entertainment. MTV Networks includes favorites like VH1, Nickelodeon, COMEDY CENTRAL, Spike TV, and approximately 155 networks around the world.

Working with MTV Networks allows EPAM to participate in creating some of the most visited entertainment portals on the web; to work on specialized social networks; to face unique challenges in the areas of content syndication, aggregation, unification, and publishing; and to learn to consume and produce different types of content feeds.

EPAM Systems is offering a rare opportunity to explore the unique IT challenges of media and entertainment. Software specialists and managers who work in the field of complex, content-heavy online solutions are invited to attend. Others who are interested in extending their professional horizons are also welcomed to come and learn about IT solutions from MTV experts with firsthand industry experience.

The seminar is a 4 hour long English speaking event and will include presentations, open discussions, and, of course, coffee breaks. The program is as follows:

Media and Entertainment: The Present and Future of Internet Content
Warren Habib, Senior Vice President, Digital Platform Development, MTV Networks

Complex Content Management Challenges Give Birth to Unique Competencies
Alex Lyashok, Vice President, Media & Entertainment, EPAM Systems

Architecture and specifics of Enterprise Content Management solutions in MTV Networks
Dmitry Grinberg, Director of Data Services and Applications, MTV Networks

Moderated Panel and Open Discussion
With Industry Experts from MTV Networks and EPAM Systems

EPAM Systems will organize transportation services for attendees. Pick-up from and drop off to the Moskvoskaya and Vostok subway stations will be available on the day of the event. All registered attendees will receive further details.

The seminar is free of charge, but the conference hall has a limited capacity so please register in advance. We will confirm your registration within 3 days of your request. 


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В Минске 26 мая пройдет бесплатный семинар "Управление корпоративным контентом в медиаиндустрии и индустрии развлечений: проблемы и тенденции" с участием...


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