Visiting OSCE media freedom representative meets with members of House of Representatives.

Visiting OSCE media freedom representative meets with members of House of Representatives

05.06.2013 13:44 — Новости Политики |  
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Dunja Mijatovic, the visiting OSCE representative on freedom of the media, on June 4 met with members of Belarus’ House of Representatives, BelaPAN said.

She suggested during the meeting that the Belarusian authorities should reform and liberalize media regulations.

“I say this with full respect of the Belarusian authorities, but at the same time, my role is to emphasize and remind the authorities of their OSCE media freedom commitments,” she said.

Ms. Mijatovic said that her office had earlier made a legal evaluation of Belarus’ Media Law and concluded that the law should be revised.

She expressed hope that members of the House of Representatives would use their “expertise in order to push media reforms in a right direction.”

Mikalay Samaseyka, who chairs the House of Representatives’ Committee on International Affairs, told reporters prior to the meeting that Belarus expected Dunja Mijatovic to be impartial and ready for an equal and open dialogue.


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