On the territory of the Brest and Grodno regions a single visa-free regime for foreign tourists has earned. 21.by

On the territory of the Brest and Grodno regions a single visa-free regime for foreign tourists has earned

12.11.2019 — Разное |  
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Travelers can enter and leave through any border checkpoints of these regions and stay there for up to 15 days.


Also, foreigners can move without visas throughout the western regions, provided that they follow the structure of organized tourist groups. Recall that in the visa-free border territory of Brest - Grodno there are already two active zones in the Brest and Grodno regions.


Thanks to the decree of the President, five more regions of the Grodno region will join them: Berestovitsky, Volkovysky, Voronovsky, Lida and Schuchinsky.


Tatyana Lidyaeva, deputy head of the sports and tourism department of the Grodno Oblast Executive Committee: "We are preparing to expand the Grodno Visa Free website to the entire Grodno region, to fully include all regions without exception. And we are expanding the mobile application that used to work only on M6. Now it will be to work on all roads of the Grodno region. In order for tourists to find attractions within a radius of 50 km along the roads. "


A visa-free entry procedure to Belarus for citizens of a number of states for up to 30 days through a checkpoint at the Minsk National Airport is also maintained.  



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Travelers can enter and leave through any border checkpoints of these regions and stay there for up to 15 days.   Also, foreigners can move without visas throughout the western regions, provided that they follow the structure of organized tourist groups. Recall that in the visa-free border...


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