New concept and focus on activity zones. Hop, malt and water festival Lidbeer-2020 will be held in Lida on 5th of September.

New concept and focus on activity zones. Hop, malt and water festival Lidbeer-2020 will be held in Lida on 5th of September

19.04.2020 — Разное |  
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The date of the Lida City Day and the festival of hops, malt and water Lidbeer-2020 became known.

The events are scheduled for 5th of September 5, the decision on this was signed by Sergey Lozhechnik, the chairman of the Lida district executive committee. Such information is available on the website of Lidskaya Gazeta.

It is also known that the sixth openair will have a new concept of conducting, the emphasis will be on zones of activity, which this year will be even more than last year.

-The uniqueness of Lidbeer is that Lida becomes a festival city for the whole day, in which every guest wants to be an indigenous person: to appreciate the variety of food courts, to participate with friends in numerous entertainments and quests. A festival in a city, a city festival is what distinguishes Lidbeer from others, noted the organizers.

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The date of the Lida City Day and the festival of hops, malt and water Lidbeer-2020 became known. The events


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