New twin cities and promotional tours in Grodno. The region represented Belarus at the IV international exhibition of cultural industries in Hainan.

New twin cities and promotional tours in Grodno. The region represented Belarus at the IV international exhibition of cultural industries in Hainan

06.01.2020 — Разное |  
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Belarus became an honorary guest of the IV International exhibition of cultural industries, which was held in Sanya, China's Hainan province on December 28-29. The Grodno region, which, by the way, is distinguished by its activity in interregional cooperation with the regions of other countries, including China, had the honor to represent the country.


Ambassador extraordinary And Plenipotentiary of Belarus to China Kirill Rudy presented Belarus at the opening of the exhibition. In General, the delegation of our region, headed by the regional Executive Committee Manager Igor Popov, included 14 representatives of local Executive authorities, the Grodno branch of the Belarusian chamber of Commerce and industry, FEZ "Grodnoinvest", and industrial enterprises of the region.

New agreement

On the eve of the exhibition, the regional delegation visited the city of Haikou – the capital of Hainan province. A Memorandum of intent to establish twinning relations between the administrative centers of both regions was signed here. Negotiations on promising areas of future cooperation were conducted with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the city Executive Committee Andrey Boltrik and Vice-mayor Haikou Wang lei. They discussed, first of all, the issues of interaction in trade, culture, education and tourism.


– The Chinese side is interested in expanding cooperation in the field of student exchanges with our universities, - said the managing Director of the regional Executive Committee Igor Popov. – Attention was paid to the agricultural and industrial potential of the region, its logistics infrastructure, and prospects for the development of the tourism sector. The latter is particularly relevant in the light of the expansion of the visa-free zone.

The agreement on establishing sister-city relations is planned to be signed in the spring during the return visit of the Chinese delegation to Grodno. This may become one of the events within the Year of the regions of Belarus and China. It is expected that 2020 will be declared as such.


In parallel with the exhibition, the II Forum of cultural and tourist integration in the construction of a free trade zone was held in Sanya, where the economic, cultural and tourist potential of the region, the possibilities of the FEZ "Grodnoinvest" and the August canal were presented. Within the framework of the forum, the Grodno branch of the Belarusian chamber of Commerce and industry signed two cooperation agreements – with the business consulting structure "Huahe International" and the Association of the cultural industry of Sanya. Separately, an agreement was signed with the chamber of Commerce and industry of Hainan province.


Also at the meeting of the delegation of the region with the leadership of the city hall of Sanya, the Chinese side announced its intention to sign an agreement on establishing sister-city relations with Lida.


The city of Sanya, where the exhibition was held, is one of the largest seaside resorts in China. It is very popular with tourists. The Chinese side also showed interest in the tourist opportunities of the Grodno region.


– For 2020, a road map will be drawn up, which will allow to intensify bilateral cooperation in the field of tourism, - said the Deputy head of the Department of sports and tourism of the regional Executive Committee Tatyana Lidyaeva. – Among the planned events-the exchange of advertising tours for travel agencies and the media, mutual participation in tourist events, holding a major tourist forum in Grodno region with the participation of Chinese tourist operators. Negotiations will also continue on the organization of Charter flights from Sanya to Grodno or Minsk.


The exhibition pavilion of Belarus at the exhibition of cultural industries in Sanya worked for two days. Opportunities for recreation and recreation in the vast blue-eyed here presented sanatorium "Ozerny". Souvenirs reflecting the cultural identity of the region were presented. The national Belarusian flavor was emphasized by the performance of the national choir "Rosnitsa" of JSC "Grodno Azot". By the way, for the guests of the exhibition, many features of Belarusian culture were a novelty. The Belarusian pavilion guests are also invited to try products from the leading meat and dairy enterprises of region – open joint-stock companies "Slonim meat processing plant", "Volkovysk meat processing plant", "Bellakt", LLC "Premilk". Their products could be seen in parallel in the framework of another-food exhibition.


– This is the second visit of the regional delegation to the island province of Hainan, and it was successful and fruitful, - said Igor Popov. – We were able to adequately represent the country in terms of information and business. During a short time at meetings with the leadership of the mayors of the cities of Haikou and Sanya, during the forum, the exhibition pavilion and the food exhibition, we tried to fully present the economic and cultural potential of our region, to outline further steps in strengthening and expanding cooperation. Undoubtedly, this visit will serve to deepen interregional ties with China.

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Belarus became an honorary guest of the IV International exhibition of cultural industries, which was held in Sanya, China's Hainan province on December 28-29. The Grodno region, which, by the way, is distinguished by its activity in interregional cooperation with the regions of other countries,...


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